Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
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** Currently enrolling TK - 8th grade students for the 2024-25 school year**
** Enrollment for TK - 8th grade students for the 2025-2026 school year begins January 24 **

This process is for anyone who has NOT attended school in the Ocean View School District during the last year at one of the schools below

(RETURNING TK-8th students, go to https://portal.ovsd.org for your Registration/Data Confirmation)

OVSD Elementary Schools (TK - 5th):

Circle View              Hope View           Village View
College View            Lake View           Westmont
Golden View            Oak View             
Harbour View           Star View                          

OVSD Middle Schools (6th - 8th):

Marine View              
Mesa View           
Spring View  (2023-2024 school year only)         
Vista View           

OVSD Preschools

Oak View  Preschool          
College View  Preschool       
Westmont Preschool  

In order to enroll in school (TK - 8th) for 2023-24 you must provide proof that your child has a birthdate ON or BEFORE Sept 1, 2019

In order to enroll in school (TK - 8th) for 2024-25 you must provide proof that your child has a birthdate ON or BEFORE Sept 1, 2020

In order to enroll in school (TK - 8th) for 2025-26 you must provide proof that your child has a birthdate ON or BEFORE Sept 1, 2021

Aeries Internet Registration (AIR) allows you to quickly start the process of pre-enrolling a student for school within the Ocean View School District. This process is for anyone who has NOT attended school in the Ocean View School District in the last year.

In Aeries AIR, you will be asked for information about the student such as emergency contacts. language information, and prior schools. Upon completion, the student's information is electronically sent to the school. At the end of the online pre-enrollment process, you will be given instructions on what paperwork to take to the school to finalize enrollment. 

To get started pre-enrolling a new student or if you would like to add another student to a previously created account, click on the "Enroll a New Student" button below.

To review students previously pre-enrolled, click the "Login" button below.

If you are experiencing problems or are not receiving the email confirmation that your account was created, please contact your home school office or call the District Office at 714-847-2551 x1316.